(2015-04-25 17:11:33)分类: 灵魂生命奥秘 |
Primary Telepathy
The simplest telepathy is transmission of thought, which is finding ever more use among us earth people. Contrary to spirit telepathy, the entire process takes place in the material realm of consciousness and is substantially less complicated.
The thought transmitter sends the thought currents to the receiving person in the form of sentences or words. As incredible as this may sound, these thought currents vibrate as intermittent impulses to the receiver, who receives them with his antenna, that is to say, with both auricles (ears).
The ultra-high vibrations of thought currents are of such high frequency that they cannot yet be detected by our contemporary technology. Man, however, is receptive to and can transform the messages received into intelligible interpretations if they have developed the necessary spiritual abilities.
Being ignorant of this fact, it is often assumed that transmitted thoughts resound as an inner voice somewhere in the conscious or subconscious mind. However, this does not correspond to the facts.
It is, rather, so that the receiver hears the voice of the person sending the thought inside his head. Nevertheless, human receivers are unable to analyze precisely the area where this voice is located in their head. Although thought currents are inaudible to the untrained and underdeveloped human ear and recording centers, the vibrations are absolutely real and are received in precisely the same way as acoustical tones are transformed and made audible. The difference to acoustical hearing is that the telepathic voice, when perceived, is a mere whisper in the material consciousness.
Spirit Telepathy
Spirit Telepathy As the name suggests, spirit telepathy is of purely spiritual nature and consequently has unlimited range. It can be referred to as a universal language that enables communication among human life forms throughout the endless expanse of the universe. The process can simply be depicted, as follows:
To start with, every call by means of spirit telepathy commences with a personal code sent to the person designated for conversation. If that person is willing to participate, then the sender transmits his thoughts from his material conscious mind into his material subconscious, which transforms them into symbol pictures. The pictures are radiated out with the help of spirit power as electromagnetic impulses to the receiver at a rate of umpteen-times the speed of light.
In the subconscious of the receiver, the electromagnetic impulses are transformed back into symbol pictures and passed on to the material consciousness, which then translates them into normal language.
Another way electromagnetic impulses are manifested is as soft whispering in the cerebral cortex that penetrate the material consciousness as inaudible thoughts. The spirit telepathy practiced by the Pleiadians functions with the incredible number of 50.2 million symbolic signs. Whoever masters this universal language can make himself understood in the entire universe. That is possible, of course, only for those who are in command of this spirit telepathy. All in all, it is a very complicated process.
There is only one hindrance for this type of communication, and that is the spiritual blockade a person can build around himself by completely shielding him-self externally so that no one is capable of establishing telepathic contact with him.
本文摘自《And Still they fly》