
分类: 心灵觉醒,疗愈、教导 |
Sandra Walter
翻译: Christiane TSAI
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and Lightworkers: A reminder to keep your Hearts up during this timeline-shifting Gateway.
Many of you participate in/with the various Councils of Light, or at least have some awareness of the current project (not something I will discuss on fb). Stay focused and aligned with the highest Christed timelines. We had a Solar shift last night which is assisting the DNA-shifting portion of our Ascension. Call forth the opening of these Solar Gateways and the activation of the Solar aspects of the new grid systems, of Gaia, of the ancient benevolent sites now activating, and your own heart as a pure conduit in service to the collective.
Drop the lower level distractions or judgments and get on board, this is pure Divine intervention in progress. Feel it, beloveds ... remember there is a lot going on behind the veil. Pray. Meditate. Create the New in the Now.
In Love, Light and Service,
Sandra Walter
Keep calling forth the Solar activations and Solar Gate openings, beloveds. Radiate love to your DNA, command the reconnection, offer yourself as a conduit for the new experience on behalf of all of Humanity. It only takes a few of us to embodiment to create the domino effect. Vibration = Vibration